Sunday, May 29, 2011


Raise your hand if you've ever felt like you don't belong
Raise your hand if you've ever felt like the world is against you
Raise it if you've ever felt like you can't do anything
Or if you stay up at night thinking about how you'll be able to make it
Raise your hand if you still cry sometimes
If you've ever had someone tell you they've been thinking about ending it
Raise your hand if you've ever gone a whole day without talking
Not to see if you could do it, but because you didn't have anything to say
Raise your hand if you've ever seen a loved one die too early
Raise your hand if you want to say goodbye
Raise your hand if you want to say hello again
If you've ever wanted to turn back time
If you've ever saved someone
A friend or a stranger
Because you never know who might be in danger
Raise your hand if you've taken the time to really notice what's around you
It's worth it
Are you raising your hand yet?
If not, you will soon


  1. I raised my hand for like, every single one of these.

  2. raise ur hand if u've ever seen ur love going far away without saying goodbye . i raised my hand for everz single one what u wrote .
